Uniquely Whole Recovery – A Supportive, Well-Rounded Approach To Recovery
Choose Uniquely Whole for a supportive, well-rounded approach to recovery.

Uniquely Whole
Recovery Coaching

At Uniquely Whole we focus on an individualized approach with our clients. We believe that every person's route to recovery is unique, we also know that recovery is not the only thing we need help with to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle. So we take a well-rounded approach in supporting our clients in every aspect of their lives.
About Us

We believe in overall wellness, mind, body, and soul. Here at Uniquely Whole, we will work with our clients to build support and help them navigate through recovery with the necessary tools to reach the outcomes they desire.

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Our Community

Welcome to our community! We understand that the journey toward a healthier lifestyle can be challenging, which is why we are here to provide support and structure every step of the way.

It is specially designed to meet the unique needs of individuals, and we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all of our members. We know that everyone’s journey is different, which is why we offer a range of services and resources to help each individual reach their goals.

The benefits of recovery coaching

Why Should You Join Us?

We understand that a person is in recovery when they say they are, so there are no requirements of sobriety just a want to change for the better. All of our coaches are unique in their lived experiences as well as their training. All of our coaches are overseen by a licensed Clinician, and our coaches are always furthering their education in different modalities. We match our clients with a coach based on their needs. We believe that the opposite of addiction is connection so one of our goals is to unite our clients with an amazing community of like-minded people. We also strive to show our clients how much fun recovery can be.

Executive Director

Robby Mitchell

Dear Friend,

If you’re reading this letter, it means you are considering making a change in your life. That’s a big step, and I want to congratulate you for taking an interest in your recovery! I know firsthand how difficult it can be to make the decision to change, but I also know that it is possible to create a better life for yourself.

I, too, have faced a crossroads in my life and had to decide whether to continue down the path of addiction or take control of my future. The road to recovery was not easy, but standing on the other side of long-term recovery, I can look back and see my growth and progress. I’ve learned new ways to celebrate success, care for myself, and cope with challenges without relying on drugs. This new mindset has allowed me to be my genuine self, connect with others on a deeper level, and give back to the community that has supported me.

The core values we built our community on have significantly helped me on my path to recovery, and we are ready to support you every step of the way as you work toward your own long-term recovery.

We invite you to walk alongside us at Uniquely Whole. Together, we can create a better future for ourselves and the community around us.

Robby Mitchell
Executive Director



Hello, my name is Carolyn. I am a peer support specialist with almost 5 years clean and sober. I was an addict for the majority of my life, at a very young age I found ways to numb myself and disappear from reality. I suffered through my addiction for many years.

When I was 15 years old I was kidnapped, held captive, drugged, and sexually assaulted. After surviving the assault I became pregnant and had my daughter. I continued to suffer and my trauma only fueled my addiction through anger and depression. I got married and had my second daughter but continued to use it.

My addiction progressed over the years. I became a different person entirely with no Will to even live. I was on a death journey. I spent the next 6 years in and out of jails and institutions. Trying desperately to find anything that would make me “happy”. Men, drugs, and alcohol. But nothing was working. I spent 22 months in the county in 2016-2017 which saved my life. Changed my outlook but I was still so sad and I felt broken inside from the trauma I had yet to reveal or try to deal with. I got out and relapsed within days of my release. The relapse was the hardest year of my life. One day looking in the mirror I didn’t recognize the person who was staring back at me. My skin was green, my hair falling out, cheeks sunken in… I was dying. That day I promised that dying woman in the mirror that I would never stick another needle in my arm. And 5 years later I’ve kept that promise to myself and my children.

I became a Peer support specialist in 2021 and began using my lived experience to support others suffering from an SUD like me. Men and women who don’t know how to start the healing process and just meet people where they are. Being able to use the things I’ve been through to help inspire others that Recovery is absolutely possible.

Being able to help others who are struggling just like I did. Giving them the chance to rebuild their life is so fulfilling. I look forward to helping many more people who need help.

Thank you for taking the time to look at our site.


What we've heard

Kind words from Our Clients


I cannot express enough how much recovery coaching has helped me on my journey to sobriety. My coach has been there for me every step of the way, offering support, guidance, and practical advice that has helped me stay sober and build a life I love. With my coach's help, I've been able to identify the underlying issues that led to my addiction and develop coping mechanisms to deal with them. My coach has been my cheerleader, my sounding board, and my confidante, and I know that I wouldn't be where I am today without their help. Recovery coaching has been a game-changer for me, and I would recommend it to anyone who is struggling with addiction or seeking to maintain their sobriety.

If you're looking for a way to deepen your recovery and connect with nature, I highly recommend working with a recovery coach from Uniquely Whole.
Carolyn keeps things real with you, she wants to genuinely help you to become the best version of yourself possible and will help you figure out what that looks like for you individually.
Recovery coaching has been a lifeline for me, and I recommend it to anyone who is struggling with addiction or seeking to maintain their sobriety.
Working with a recovery coach who incorporates nature into their coaching has been a game-changer for me. It's helped me connect with myself, my sobriety, and the natural world in a way I never thought possible. If you're looking for a way to deepen your recovery and connect with nature, I highly recommend working with a recovery coach from Uniquely Whole.
Since working with Carolyn I have grown exponentially in life as a whole. When I was down and out with no one to turn to she was there for me. She made me feel welcome and shot shit straight. If Carolyn wasn't in my life I don't believe I would have a life right now

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